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Homotypic Synonyms See Note

Basionym Name:
Parmelia parietina f. pygmaea Fr., Lich. eur. reform. (Lund): 73 (1831)

Homotypic synonyms:
Physcia parietina ++ pygmaea (Fr.) Körb., Syst. lich. germ. (Breslau): 91 (1855)
Teloschistes controversus var. pygmaeus (Fr.) Müll. Arg., Flora, Regensburg 72(3): 365 (1889)
Teloschistes lychneus var. pygmaeus (Fr.) Tuck., Syn. N. Amer. Lich. (Boston) 1: 51 (1882)
Teloschistes parietinus f. pygmaeus (Fr.) Tuck., Syn. N. Amer. Lich. (Boston) 1: 51 (1882)
Teloschistes polycarpus var. pygmaeus (Fr.) Eckfeldt, Bull. Torrey bot. Club 22(6): 242 (1895)
Xanthoria candelaria f. pygmaea (Fr.) Arnold, Flora, Regensburg 67(13): 244 (1884)
Xanthoria lychnea f. pygmaea (Fr.) Lettau, Hedwigia 52(3-4): 242 (1912)
Xanthoria lychnea subsp. pygmaea (Fr.) Herre, Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci. 12(2): 236 (1910)

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