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Homotypic Synonyms See Note

Basionym Name:
Parmelia carphinea Fr., Lich. eur. reform. (Lund): 110 (1831)

Homotypic synonyms:
Amphiloma carphineum (Fr.) Bagl., Nuovo G. bot. ital. 11: 90 (1879)
Callopisma carphineum (Fr.) Trevis., Revta Period. Lav. Imp. Reale Acad., Padova 1(3): 263 (1852)
Caloplaca carphinea (Fr.) Jatta, Syll. Lich. Ital. (Trano): 241 (1900)
Caloplaca carphinea var. carphinea (Fr.) Jatta, Syll. Lich. Ital. (Trano): 241 (1900)
Lecanora carphinea (Fr.) Schaer., Enum. critic. lich. europ. (Bern): 67 (1850)
Physcia carphinea (Fr.) A. Massal., [as 'carphynea'] Atti Inst. Veneto Sci. lett., ed Arti, Sér. 2 3(App. 3): 60 (1852)
Placodium carphineum (Fr.) Poetsch, in Poetsch & Schiedermann, System. Aufzähl. samenlos. Pflanzen (Krypt.): 243 (1872)
Squamaria carphinea (Fr.) Boistel, Nouv. Fl. Lich. (Paris) 2: 92 (1903)
Squamaria carphinea var. carphinea (Fr.) Boistel, Nouv. Fl. Lich. (Paris) 2: 92 (1903)
Usnochroma carphineum (Fr.) Søchting, Arup & Frödén, [as 'carphinea'], in Arup, Søchting & Frödén, Nordic Jl Bot. 31(1): 75 (2013)

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