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Homotypic Synonyms See Note

Basionym Name:
Lichen byssoides L., Mant. Pl. 1: 133 (1767)

Homotypic synonyms:
Baeomyces byssoides (L.) P. Gaertn., B. Mey. & Scherb., Oekonom.-techn. Fl. Wetterau 3(2): 231 (1802)
Baeomyces byssoides f. byssoides (L.) P. Gaertn., B. Mey. & Scherb., Oekonom.-techn. Fl. Wetterau 3(2): 231 (1802)
Baeomyces byssoides var. byssoides (L.) P. Gaertn., B. Mey. & Scherb., Oekonom.-techn. Fl. Wetterau 3(2): 231 (1802)
Baeomyces rufus f. byssoides (L.) H. Olivier, Expos. Lich. Ouest France, Suppl.(1; suppl.): 5 (1900)
Baeomyces rupestris var. byssoides (L.) Ach., Methodus, Sectio post. (Stockholmiæ): 321 (1803)
Biatora byssoides (L.) Fr., Lich. eur. reform. (Lund): 257 (1831)
Biatora byssoides f. byssoides (L.) Fr., Lich. eur. reform. (Lund): 257 (1831)
Biatora byssoides var. byssoides (L.) Fr., Lich. eur. reform. (Lund): 257 (1831)
Lecidea byssoides (L.) Link, Grundr. Krauterk. 3: 200 (1833)
Lichen fungiformis A byssoides (L.) Lilj., Utkast Sv. Fl., Edn 2 (Upsala): 418 (1798)
Lichen fungiformis var. byssoides (L.) Roth, Tentam. Fl. German. 1: 495 (1788)
Sphyridium byssoides (L.) Beltr., Lich. Bassan. (Bassano): 54 (1858)
Sphyridium byssoides f. byssoides (L.) Beltr., Lich. Bassan. (Bassano): 54 (1858)
Sphyridium byssoides var. byssoides (L.) Beltr., Lich. Bassan. (Bassano): 54 (1858)
Tubercularia fungiformis var. byssoides (L.) F.H. Wigg., Prim. fl. holsat. (Kiliae): 87 (1780)

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