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Homotypic Synonyms See Note

Basionym Name:
Blastenia pollinii A. Massal., Atti Inst. Veneto Sci. lett., ed Arti, Sér. 2 3(App. 3): 111 (1852)

Homotypic synonyms:
Callopisma ferrugineum var. pollinii (A. Massal.) Bagl., Nuovo G. bot. ital. 3: 245 (1871)
Callopisma pollinii (A. Massal.) Trevis., Revta Period. Lav. Imp. Reale Acad., Padova 1(3): 264 (1852)
Caloplaca pollinii (A. Massal.) Jatta, Syll. Lich. Ital. (Trano): 244 (1900)
Caloplaca pollinii var. pollinii (A. Massal.) Jatta, Syll. Lich. Ital. (Trano): 244 (1900)
Huneckia pollinii (A. Massal.) S.Y. Kondr., Kärnefelt, Elix, A. Thell, Jung Kim, A.S. Kondr. & Hur, in Kondratyuk, Jeong, Yu, Kärnefelt, Thell, Elix, Kim, Kondratiuk & Hur, Acta bot. hung. 56(1-2): 111 (2014)
Lecanora pollinii (A. Massal.) Massee, Grevillea 21(no. 99): 60 (1893)
Lecidea pollinii (A. Massal.) Hue, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat., Paris, 5 sér. 3: 157 (1913)
Lecidea pollinii f. pollinii (A. Massal.) Hue, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat., Paris, 5 sér. 3: 157 (1913)
Placodium ferrugineum f. pollinii (A. Massal.) Tuck., Syn. N. Amer. Lich. (Boston) 1: 177-178 (1882)
Placodium ferrugineum subsp. pollinii (A. Massal.) Fink, Contr. U.S. natnl. Herb. 14(1): 216 (1910)
Placodium ferrugineum var. pollinii (A. Massal.) Hepp, Flecht. Europ.: no. 402 (1857)
Placodium pollinii (A. Massal.) A.L. Sm., Monogr. Brit. Lich., Edn 2 1: 488 (1918)

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