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Homotypic Synonyms See Note

Basionym Name:
Alectoria ostrobottnica var. taborensis Gyeln., Acta Faun. Fl. Univers., Ser. 2, Bot. 1(5-6): 7 (1931)

Homotypic synonyms:
Alectoria implexa f. taborensis (Gyeln.) Zahlbr., [as 'taboronsis'] Cat. Lich. Univers. 10: 555 (1940)
Bryopogon canus f. taborensis (Gyeln.) Gyeln., [as 'taboronsis'] Feddes Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni veg. 38: 241 (1935)
Bryopogon taborensis (Gyeln.) Gyeln., [as 'taboronsis'] Annls Mus. natn. Hung., Pars bot. 22: 156 (1939)
Bryoria taborensis (Gyeln.) Hafellner & Obermayer, [as 'taboronsis'] Mitt. naturw. Ver. Steierm. 136: 48 (2007)

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