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Homotypic Synonyms See Note

Basionym Name:
Lichen tomentosus Sw., Prodr.: 147 (1788)

Homotypic synonyms:
Dystictina tomentosa (Sw.) Clem., Gen. fung. (Minneapolis): 175 (1909)
Lobaria tomentosa (Sw.) Raeusch., Nomencl. bot., Edn 3: 330 (1797)
Pseudocyphellaria tomentosa (Sw.) Vain., Philipp. J. Sci., C, Bot. 8(2): 121 (1913)
Sticta richardii var. tomentosa (Sw.) Meyen & Flot., Nova Acta Phys.-Med. Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. Nat. Cur., Suppl. 1 19: 216 (1843)
Sticta tomentosa (Sw.) Ach., Methodus, Sectio post. (Stockholmiæ): 279 (1803)
Sticta tomentosa f. tomentosa (Sw.) Ach., Methodus, Sectio post. (Stockholmiæ): 279 (1803)
Sticta tomentosa subsp. tomentosa (Sw.) Ach., Methodus, Sectio post. (Stockholmiæ): 279 (1803)
Sticta tomentosa var. tomentosa (Sw.) Ach., Methodus, Sectio post. (Stockholmiæ): 279 (1803)
Stictina tomentosa (Sw.) Nyl., Syn. meth. lich. (Parisiis) 1(2): 343 (1860)
Stictina tomentosa f. tomentosa (Sw.) Nyl., Syn. meth. lich. (Parisiis) 1(2): 343 (1860)
Stictina tomentosa subsp. tomentosa (Sw.) Nyl., Syn. meth. lich. (Parisiis) 1(2): 343 (1860)
Stictina tomentosa var. tomentosa (Sw.) Nyl., Syn. meth. lich. (Parisiis) 1(2): 343 (1860)

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