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Homotypic Synonyms See Note

Basionym Name:
Lichen candicans Dicks., Fasc. pl. crypt. Brit. (London) 3: 15 (1793)

Homotypic synonyms:
Amphiloma candicans (Dicks.) Körb., Syst. lich. germ. (Breslau): 113 (1855)
Berengeria candicans (Dicks.) Trevis., Spighe Paglie: 6 (1853)
Caloplaca candicans (Dicks.) Flagey, Revue mycol., Toulouse 10(no. 39): 130 (1888)
Diphratora candicans (Dicks.) Jatta, Syll. Lich. Ital. (Trano): 263 (1900)
Gasparrinia candicans (Dicks.) P. Syd., Flecht. Deutschl.: 76 (1887)
Gyalolechia candicans (Dicks.) Trevis., Revta Period. Lav. Imp. Reale Acad., Padova 1(3): 267 (1852)
Lecania candicans (Dicks.) Stizenb., Ber. Tät. St Gall. naturw. Ges.: 171 (1882)
Lecania candicans var. candicans (Dicks.) Stizenb., Ber. Tät. St Gall. naturw. Ges.: 171 (1882)
Lecanora candicans (Dicks.) Schaer., Enum. critic. lich. europ. (Bern): 59 (1850)
Lecanora candicans var. candicans (Dicks.) Schaer., Enum. critic. lich. europ. (Bern): 59 (1850)
Lecidea candicans (Dicks.) Schaer., Naturwiss. Anzeiger Allgem. Schweizer. Gesellsch. Naturwiss. 2: 11 (1818)
Parmelia candicans (Dicks.) Fr., Lich. eur. reform. (Lund): 123 (1831)
Patellaria candicans (Dicks.) Hepp, Flecht. Europ. 16: no. 914 (1867)
Placodium candicans (Dicks.) Duby, Bot. Gall., Edn 2 (Paris) 2: 661 (1830)
Placolecania candicans (Dicks.) Zahlbr., Sber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-naturw. Kl., Abt. 1 115: 517 (1906)
Ricasolia candicans (Dicks.) A. Massal., Memor. Lich.: 47 (1853)
Solenopsora candicans (Dicks.) J. Steiner, Öst. bot. Z. 65: 288 (1915)
Squamaria candicans (Dicks.) Hook., Engl. Fl., Mosses, Hepaticae, Lichens, Characeae and Algae (London) 5(1): 199 (1833)
Squamaria circinata var. candicans (Dicks.) H. Olivier, Fl. Lich. Orne 1: 119 (1882)

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